All-Time High
% to ATH
ATH Date
January 6, 2018
Days since ATH
2483 Days

VGX Token (VGX) Price Statistics

The VGX Token price today is $0.01079372. The VGX Token price has changed byCoin is positive 1.09% in the last 24 hours. Today’s VGX Token trading volume is $274,973. VGX Token ‘s all-time-high is $12.47. The all-time-high was reached on January 6, 2018. The VGX Token price needs to increase by +9,999.99% to reach a new all-time high. The VGX Token market capitalization is $4.0M. VGX Token’s circulating supply is 368,403,232 out of 370,944,993.

VGX Token (VGX) Price Trends

Coin is negative 0.34%
Coin is positive 1.09%
Coin is negative 1.30%
Coin is negative 64.39%
Coin is negative 90.59%
Coin is negative 90.80%

VGX Token (VGX) Price Milestones


What was the highest price for VGX Token (VGX)?

VGX Token reached its all time high of $12.47 on January 6, 2018, 2483 days ago.

What was the lowest price for VGX Token (VGX)?

VGX Token had its all-time low of $0.00906168Coin is positive 19.23% on September 27, 2024.

What is VGX Token (VGX)?

The Voyager Token (VGX) rewards users within the Voyager cryptocurrency broker ecosystem. VGX generates 5% interest when held in the Voyager app and aims to offer cash back rewards, and other exclusive features in the future.

VGX, formerly Ethos (ETHOS), can also be stored in its native wallet, the Ethos Universal Wallet. The Ethos Universal Wallet gives users the power to self custody hundreds of cryptocurrency assets securely.

VGX Token (VGX) Statistics


$0.01079372Coin is positive 1.09%

All-Time High

$12.47 Coin is negative 99.91%

% to ATH


ATH Date

January 6, 2018

Days since All-Time High

2483 Days

All-Time Low

$0.00906168 Coin is positive 19.23%

ATL Date

September 27, 2024



High / Low

$0.01097766 / $0.01049057

Market Cap Rank


Market Cap

$4.0M Coin is positive 1.46%

Fully Diluted Valuation


Circulating Supply


Total Supply


Maximum Supply



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