All-Time High
% to ATH
ATH Date
May 8, 2019
Days since ATH
1998 Days

USDC (USDC) Price Statistics

The USDC price today is $1. The USDC price has changed byCoin is positive 0.00% in the last 24 hours. Today’s USDC trading volume is $4,397,014,579. USDC ‘s all-time-high is $1.17. The all-time-high was reached on May 8, 2019. The USDC price needs to increase by 17.00% to reach a new all-time high. The USDC market capitalization is $34.7B. USDC’s circulating supply is 34,675,595,419 out of ?.

USDC (USDC) Price Trends

Coin is positive 0.00%
Coin is positive 0.00%
Coin is negative 0.01%
Coin is positive 0.02%
Coin is negative 0.07%
Coin is negative 0.02%

USDC (USDC) Price Milestones


What was the highest price for USDC (USDC)?

USDC reached its all time high of $1.17 on May 8, 2019, 1998 days ago.

What was the lowest price for USDC (USDC)?

USDC had its all-time low of $0.877647Coin is positive 14.06% on March 11, 2023.

What is USDC (USDC)?

USD Coin (USDC), a so-called stablecoin, is a cryptocurrency with a value intended to mirror the value of one U.S. dollar. The idea behind USD Coin is to create a stable cryptocurrency that can be used like digital dollars.

USD Coin, similar to other cryptocurrencies, uses blockchain technology but is fully backed by FIAT currencies such as U.S. dollar deposits. The main benefit of USD Coin is that it adds some stability to the otherwise volatile crypto space.

The digital USDC coins are issued by CENTRE and Coinbase. USD Coin is an Ethereum token, so you can store it in any Ethereum-compatible wallet, such as Metamask, Ledger or Coinbase Wallet.

USDC (USDC) Statistics


$1Coin is positive 0.00%

All-Time High

$1.17 Coin is negative 14.64%

% to ATH


ATH Date

May 8, 2019

Days since All-Time High

1998 Days

All-Time Low

$0.877647 Coin is positive 14.06%

ATL Date

March 11, 2023



High / Low

$1.002 / $0.995665

Market Cap Rank


Market Cap

$34.7B Coin is positive 0.95%

Fully Diluted Valuation


Circulating Supply


Total Supply


Maximum Supply



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