All-Time High
% to ATH
ATH Date
April 28, 2022
Days since ATH
820 Days

ApeCoin (APE) Price Statistics

The ApeCoin price today is $0.791143. The ApeCoin price has changed byCoin is positive 5.85% in the last 24 hours. Today’s ApeCoin trading volume is $39,747,982. ApeCoin ‘s all-time-high is $26.7. The all-time-high was reached on April 28, 2022. The ApeCoin price needs to increase by 3,274.86% to reach a new all-time high. The ApeCoin market capitalization is $533.7M. ApeCoin’s circulating supply is 674,644,886 out of 1,000,000,000.

ApeCoin (APE) Price Trends

Coin is positive 0.30%
Coin is positive 5.85%
Coin is negative 4.96%
Coin is negative 18.59%
Coin is negative 43.76%
Coin is negative 60.27%

ApeCoin (APE) Price Milestones


What was the highest price for ApeCoin (APE)?

ApeCoin reached its all time high of $26.7 on April 28, 2022, 820 days ago.

What was the lowest price for ApeCoin (APE)?

ApeCoin had its all-time low of $0.665576Coin is positive 18.81% on July 8, 2024.

What is ApeCoin (APE)?

ApeCoin is an ERC-20 governance and utility token used within the APE ecosystem to empower a decentralized community building at the forefront of web3. As the open-source protocol layer of the ecosystem, ApeCoin serves several purposes:

Governance: ApeCoin is the ecosystem’s governance token, allowing ApeCoin holders to participate in ApeCoin DAO.

Unification of Spend: ApeCoin is the ecosystem’s utility token, giving all its participants a shared and open currency that can be used without centralized intermediaries.

Access: ApeCoin provides access to certain parts of the ecosystem that are otherwise unavailable, such as exclusive games, merch, events, and services.

Incentivization: ApeCoin is a tool for third-party developers to participate in the ecosystem by incorporating APE into services, games, and other projects.

ApeCoin (APE) Statistics


$0.791143Coin is positive 5.85%

All-Time High

$26.7 Coin is negative 97.04%

% to ATH


ATH Date

April 28, 2022

Days since All-Time High

820 Days

All-Time Low

$0.665576 Coin is positive 18.81%

ATL Date

July 8, 2024



High / Low

$0.794747 / $0.745652

Market Cap Rank


Market Cap

$533.7M Coin is positive 5.62%

Fully Diluted Valuation


Circulating Supply


Total Supply


Maximum Supply



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