Market Cap
$232.2M Coin is positive 1.91%
Circulating Supply
All-Time High
% to ATH
ATH Date
November 28, 2021
Days since ATH
1014 Days

Basic Attention (BAT) Price Statistics

The Basic Attention price today is $0.15529. The Basic Attention price has changed byCoin is positive 1.82% in the last 24 hours. Today’s Basic Attention trading volume is $12,533,284. Basic Attention ‘s all-time-high is $1.9. The all-time-high was reached on November 28, 2021. The Basic Attention price needs to increase by 1,123.52% to reach a new all-time high. The Basic Attention market capitalization is $232.2M. Basic Attention’s circulating supply is 1,495,293,738 out of 1,500,000,000.

Basic Attention (BAT) Price Trends

Coin is positive 0.18%
Coin is positive 1.82%
Coin is negative 4.62%
Coin is negative 7.19%
Coin is negative 38.24%
Coin is negative 9.94%

Basic Attention (BAT) Price Milestones


What was the highest price for Basic Attention (BAT)?

Basic Attention reached its all time high of $1.9 on November 28, 2021, 1014 days ago.

What was the lowest price for Basic Attention (BAT)?

Basic Attention had its all-time low of $0.072394Coin is positive 114.52% on July 16, 2017.

What is Basic Attention (BAT)?

Basic Attention Token (BAT) is an open-source, decentralized ad exchange platform built on Ethereum platform.

Basic Attention Token held an initial coin offering on May 31, 2017 for its eponymous ERC-20 utility token, raising approximately $35M USD at the time in less than 30 seconds.

The Basic Attention Token aims to fix digital advertising, which is broken, fraudulent and opaque according to the founders.

Basic Attention Token works by having advertisers pay BAT to website publishers for the attention of users. The BAT token is designed to correctly value and price user attention within the platform. The Basic Attention Token comprises various components, including attention measurement systems, analytics dashboards and machine learning algorithms.

BAT is focused on the Brave browser. Brave is an open-source, privacy-centered browser designed to block trackers and malware. It utilizes blockchain technology to anonymously and securely track user attention, which translates into rewards for publishers.

Basic Attention (BAT) Statistics


$0.15529Coin is positive 1.82%

All-Time High

$1.9 Coin is negative 91.83%

% to ATH


ATH Date

November 28, 2021

Days since All-Time High

1014 Days

All-Time Low

$0.072394 Coin is positive 114.52%

ATL Date

July 16, 2017



High / Low

$0.158368 / $0.152167

Market Cap Rank


Market Cap

$232.2M Coin is positive 1.91%

Fully Diluted Valuation


Circulating Supply


Total Supply


Maximum Supply



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