All-Time High
% to ATH
ATH Date
January 22, 2022
Days since ATH
1117 Days

Shinji Inu (SHINJI) Price Statistics

The Shinji Inu price today is $0.000000000000000002. The Shinji Inu price has changed byCoin is positive 0.00% in the last 24 hours. Today’s Shinji Inu trading volume is $99. Shinji Inu ‘s all-time-high is $0.0000000000000001. The all-time-high was reached on January 22, 2022. The Shinji Inu price needs to increase by 6,700.00% to reach a new all-time high. The Shinji Inu market capitalization is ?. Shinji Inu’s circulating supply is ? out of ?.

Shinji Inu (SHINJI) Price Trends

Coin is positive 0.00%
Coin is positive 0.00%
Coin is positive 0.00%
Coin is positive 6.75%
Coin is positive 16.05%
Coin is positive 32.94%

Shinji Inu (SHINJI) Price Milestones


What was the highest price for Shinji Inu (SHINJI)?

Shinji Inu reached its all time high of $0.0000000000000001 on January 22, 2022, 1117 days ago.

What was the lowest price for Shinji Inu (SHINJI)?

Shinji Inu had its all-time low of $0.000000000000000001Coin is positive 96.30% on November 21, 2022.

What is Shinji Inu (SHINJI)?

Shinji Inu (SHINJI) Statistics


$0.000000000000000002Coin is positive 0.00%

All-Time High

$0.0000000000000001 Coin is negative 98.21%

% to ATH


ATH Date

January 22, 2022

Days since All-Time High

1117 Days

All-Time Low

$0.000000000000000001 Coin is positive 96.30%

ATL Date

November 21, 2022



High / Low

$0 / $0

Market Cap Rank


Market Cap

? Coin is positive 0.00%

Fully Diluted Valuation


Circulating Supply


Total Supply


Maximum Supply



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